Saturday, January 14, 2012

If you were wanting to purchase something from an auto parts store..what if clerk was arrogant to you?

how often this happens in auto parts stores? why?

as it seems that every time..i try to polite and nice, etc and they always seem to act arrogant..and iw was wondering if this is only in the USA or in Britain too? and why, how this attitude develops? and how it makes someone react , feel and become like? does one start acting arrogant back or what means arrogant and why people like this?If you were wanting to purchase something from an auto parts store..what if clerk was arrogant to you?
It doesn't happen to me that often because the employees at the auto parts store tend to be males and I am female.

In general, I would say that clerks and salespeople are only abjectly arrogant or rude to me about 15% of the time. They are distant and not overly attentive or interested or polite about 70% of the time.

When they are rude to me, my first tactic is to treat them with overt kindness. I try to engage them in polite conversation and show a polite interest in them.

If this fails, I try direct confrontation. About 90% of clerks that are rude are passive-aggressively rude. They are using their rudeness to take out their irritation or anger about other things. They do not expect strangers to confront them on this--that's why they do it. So when you do confront them, they immediately back down. Then they will either apologize, or at the very least make excuses for their behavior and cease being rude. Such a confrontation looks something like this, "Is there a problem?" or "Have I done something to offend you?" or "Is there a reason why you feel the need to be rude to me?"

The positive point to such a confrontation is that it can only go one of two ways, and either way, you come out a winner because the customer is always right. The clerk will either back down and apologize, or he will respond defensively and escalate the confrontation. The clerk knows he will get into trouble if he escalates the confrontation. That being said, you must always remain polite, even in you confrontation. There is no need to be insulting or inappropriate. If you are, you lose the protection of the customer always being right.
The bottom-line is that the shop assistant/ clerk has had to deal with 19 rude people before you walked in. Complaining wont work as the manager is feed-up with the 15 of the 19 rude people that asked to speak to the manager and then having to listen to their interpretation of the truth and how they the rude people feel about it.

Solution: Politely, say "I'm so pleased your enjoying your day and I really hope it gets better for you. Good bye."If you were wanting to purchase something from an auto parts store..what if clerk was arrogant to you?
i would complain.

no company wants to lose a customer, and if you got bad customer service you more likely to tell others of your experience which any company would want to avoid
I tell them to F off and I go somewhere elseIf you were wanting to purchase something from an auto parts store..what if clerk was arrogant to you?

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