Monday, January 23, 2012

As of now are there any major chains of Auto stores that do OBD-II code readings?

As of today I have called several and they are ALL saying that as of last year they stopped offering this? Is this correct that they have all stopped? Does anyone know if there is any auto parts store that offers this still? Come to think of it, when was the last time anyone had one of these done? As of now are there any major chains of Auto stores that do OBD-II code readings?
It probably depends on the location and the store. I suspect they stopped offering the service because they were sick of customer complaints about selling parts that did't fix the problem. Code reading rarely, if ever tells you what is really wrong. That's why its free, you get exactly what you pay for.
In my area, Autozone still does them for free. I had a code pulled just 2 weeks ago.As of now are there any major chains of Auto stores that do OBD-II code readings?
I had it done at Autozone not too long ago.
OBD-II codes are simple to read and cost the company very little. I'd call the corporate office on whoever the lazy person is who told you this.As of now are there any major chains of Auto stores that do OBD-II code readings?
Auto Zone does it. Just had it done recently

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