Thursday, January 19, 2012

I dispose my used motor oil at a local auto parts store. What do they do with the used oil?

And..... what are some uses of old oil?I dispose my used motor oil at a local auto parts store. What do they do with the used oil?
Oil doesn't wear out it only gets dirty. The company that supplies the holding tank you pour your used oil into picks up the used oil and takes it to a facility that re-refines the used oil into a usable oil product again, or that is what we are lead to believe.

The truer facts of recycling oil follow closer to these numbers:

Proper Legal Disposal 33%

Recycled into other products 18%

Burned as Fuel 46%

Recycled into Motor Oil 1%

Lost in Processing 2%

Complete article here: Syslube:

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Make it a great day!
There are furnaces than can burn this old oil. I bet that they are heating their building with your oil. (this is good recycling)I dispose my used motor oil at a local auto parts store. What do they do with the used oil?
I know 2 service stations that heat their buildings with it, they have a oil burning furnace and what they don't need for themselves they sell the oil to other people for a dollar a gallon.
they sell it to recycling companyI dispose my used motor oil at a local auto parts store. What do they do with the used oil?
it gets recycled back into oil.
they sell it for use in a oil furnace, or to get recycled. 75% of the oil you see on the shelf in a store (many name brands) is recycled oil.

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