Thursday, January 19, 2012

If I regularly accompany my boyfriend to sporting goods stores, hardware stores and auto parts stores?

If I regularly (on every single weekend) accompany my boyfriend to sporting goods stores, hardware stores and auto parts stores without a single objection and stays at those stores with him for as long as he wishes (sometimes up to four hours), wouldn't it be fair that he should also learn to take me out clothes shopping without complaints, especially if I am spending my own money and not touching a cent of his? All I ask for is a little bit of his time, is that too much?If I regularly accompany my boyfriend to sporting goods stores, hardware stores and auto parts stores?
You're thinking about this the wrong way in my opinion.

Yes, you should spend time together - but you need to find things you BOTH like to do. That is what you do with your "together" time.

And it's also healthy for couples to have some time to go do things individually or with friends.

I suggest skipping the auto parts store and go shopping instead. Then meet up afterwards for a lovely evening together. :-)
That depends.

Is he asking you to come with him? If you are simply following without his request, you can't really expect him to return the favor because he did not ask anything of you. If you are following him around without him asking you, it is implied you are doing so because you want to. Therefore, he is not obligated to do anything in return.

However, if he is asking you to come along, he should go with you too. In that case, he is asking something of you. It is only fair that an action be repaid. That payment would be him going with you when you go out shopping and what not.

Note: Your boyfriend may not want you to go with him to those places. Many guys use time at the hardware store, autoparts store and so on as "me time" and a chance to hang out with other guys.If I regularly accompany my boyfriend to sporting goods stores, hardware stores and auto parts stores?
Is he requesting your presence on these expeditions? The reason why I ask is because males tend to be different than females when it comes to shopping. Males tend to more inclined to shop alone, and he may not necessarily require that you be there...On the other hand, females tend to like someone to accompany them. It's not that he doesn't want you there, he just doesn't need you there, and therefore may not understand why he needs to be there when you shop.
Well, if you went to the movies every weekend, it wouldn't be fair for him to always pick the movie no matter how much he always paid for the tickets. Have you considered wandering off to another part of the store and snagging the attention of a male clerk? Finding you talking and laughing with a guy helping you find shoes, decorative light bulbs, or cute air fresheners might alert your BF that he needs to keep the home fires burning or you will find yourself a better log.If I regularly accompany my boyfriend to sporting goods stores, hardware stores and auto parts stores?
Yes, do yourself a favor and never drag your man to the mall. He will make it so miserable for you. Even when they decide to sit and wait for you out in the mall you still know they are there and you have to rush and feel like you can't relax and enjoy yourself because they are either hovering over you or tapping their foot waiting for you. I learned a long time ago it's easier on everyone if you just leave them home when you want to go clothes shopping.

It sounds like you and him and spreading ends, but remember you dont have to go to those stores. What if you told him i will go to your stores is long as you go to my stores. We will make the time even by however much you spend at your stores i will spend with you at my stores. I hope i made since to you and didnt just sound like gibberish.

I hope this helped you and i hope it works out for you. I do agree though he should spend time with you.

~God Bless~
yea thats kinda rude of him, id say dont go with him, or make him a deal if you go with him then after you leave there he has to go with you with no problems.
What's fair for one is fair for two.Next time you go do your shopping while he does his and get together after.
If you are REGULARLY going with him to stores... you might give him a break and go clothes shopping alone or with gf's

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