Monday, January 23, 2012

Are car care accessories, oil, coolant, etc. gonna be more expensive at a regular store or auto parts store?

By a regular store, I could mean a grocery store that also has a Pharmacy and office supplies, car stuff, magazines, etc., or a gas station, or whatever. By an auto parts store, I don't mean one that sells just auto parts. The ones I've been to sell everything car-related. What I'm getting at here is, is a place that sells all car stuff gonna charge you more cuz that's where you'd go to get everything you need for your car or would a regular store charge you more cuz that's not their most popular items?Are car care accessories, oil, coolant, etc. gonna be more expensive at a regular store or auto parts store?
It depends on which store you go to. A convenience store.. DEFINITELY. Wal-Mart usually runs about the same as the auto part stores. It depends on which store you go to. WalGreens usually runs higher. I would suggest a WalMart or the parts store. Parts stores usually beat competitor's prices too! Try that out. You could even call your local stores and do a price check on an item at each store.
Well if I understand your question will buying car parts at say a auto parts store cost more then say a place like wal-mart.

In Most cases yes. however since most polish and antifreeze and other products that depend on the oil industry yes. It seems that the oil company's can just about charge what thy want for anything mad from oil and its by products.

Since that hurricane that just about wiped out most of the off shore oil platforms oil and its byproducts are going up.

If say you buy auto products from wal-mart and such places buy in quantity. The more thy buy the cheaper the cost.

Sure auto parts charge more for parts thy don't have the quantity of story's like the "super stores" thy have to charge a little more.

Hope this answers your question and thanks for the question.Are car care accessories, oil, coolant, etc. gonna be more expensive at a regular store or auto parts store?
walmart would be most cheap...and then places like autozone...oreilly autoparts.... but not grocery stores...or drug stores. gas stations have a high mark up on stuff they sell anyway, so definitely not those either.
I find it varies upon items, usually it seems the auto part store a little higher on car preventive maintenance.Are car care accessories, oil, coolant, etc. gonna be more expensive at a regular store or auto parts store?
I've seen similar prices at both, auto stores will have more sales on stuff like oil and filters.

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