Monday, January 23, 2012

Why do men treat women like we are idiots when we are in an auto parts store?

I am the one who works on the cars here, my husband doesn't know a thing about cars and how they work.Why do men treat women like we are idiots when we are in an auto parts store?
it's because the person behind the counter is stupid, doesn't realize how smart a person is, because they can't see past their nose
I feel for you. it is awesome that you work on cars.

Maybe the guys aren't thinking your dumb. maybe they can't help themselves when a girl, or lady walks in. Guys are often programmed from the get-go to come to our rescue. They are geared towards fixing problems for us if they have the capabilty. I bet the guy who made you feel this way wanted to feel good about himself and apply his knowledge, and didn't even think that he may be over stepping boundaries.

Now, if he treats you disrespectively, or talks down to yu, let him have it with all the stength you can muster up and put him in his place with words.Why do men treat women like we are idiots when we are in an auto parts store?
Probably becuz of women like me! I know how to start my car and I know where the windex stuff goes and thats it! My hubby had me out trying to put in transmission fluid in his 5 speed truck for a good 20 minutes before I realized he was laughing at me CUZ there is none in a 5 speed! Plus one afternoon my car stalled in the middle of a busy intersection- and i could not get it started again. I was in tears cuz everyone was beeping and yelling- well finally a guy came to help and he starts laughing his butt off- I DID NOT know I had to put it back in park to restart it! SOOOOOOO its cuz of women like me! Im sorry- accept my stupidity for all women kind!
Look at the type of guys who work in auto parts places. Not the sharpest or the brightest. Don't give it any mind. Just get what you have to get and go. No need spending more time in there than you have to.Why do men treat women like we are idiots when we are in an auto parts store?
Same reason women treat men differently when we're in Victoria Secrets.

It is an area we are not normally familiar with.

Women are not normally knowledgeable about cars, same goes with men. We are not normally familiar with, cooking, decorating, etc.

That is no reason to treat someone like an idiot.

Some women know more about cars, planes, etc. then men do and some men know more about womens fashion, cooking, decorating than women. But were talking outside the norm here.

But we all had better get used to it, eh?
I will give you my answer but you may not like it so here goes. Men think that women should be kept bare foot, pregnant, stay home with kids, cook, clean,do the laundry and wait on them hand an foot. Man don't want to have to say out loud or to any body she is SMARTER then me.(The TRUTH HURTS.)
It takes most WOMEN a while to figure out something is wrong with a car. They will drive maybe 50 miles before THEY figure out something is wrong so you don't see THEM often. You see us MEN not often too because we check our cars alot so the car is in shape.

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