Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why do people at auto and lawn mower parts stores always act like they dont want to talk to you?

not talking about the mechanic..but the person that is ordering parts? as have spoken with several and they always act from the beginning of the conversation they dont want to be bothered or be asked too much? are these people often arrogant acting? why is this? and how depends?

how differs between USA and Britain too maybe and why?Why do people at auto and lawn mower parts stores always act like they dont want to talk to you?
If Dan is right it is not surprising we have a bad economy and some people get nowhere in life. In my experience there is no problem if you know what you want. I remember a storeman telling me he was asked for a speedo cable for a Morris (years ago). Upon requesting more information he was told it was green. Nobody can be expected to take too much of that sort of thing. The technical questions on here show that there are too many people mucking about with things they don't understand and often end up paying a garage twice what they need have done in the first place. Some may well have resulted in safety related failures. I love the 'Panel light on' questions. The answer to them all is have it plugged into the right computer and it will tell you which of up to 600 listed faults it might be.
Old mechanic.
Not to put a point on it but..... You ARE bothering them!
Look at it this way: They get paid X amount for a showing up for a days work, if you buy something or not. So by the simple act of helping you they are doing more work. Not to mention all the same questions they get asked every day. We have the same problems in the US. In the US no one will go look in the back for another one if the shelf is sold out. That would be more work. They just say we're sold out without checking the stock rooms, and we all know that is a line of BS. But they still get X dollars a day even though they were no help at all.

If I ever get stuck working retail I'm going to do it too!Why do people at auto and lawn mower parts stores always act like they dont want to talk to you?
Well, I've never had a problem in that respect, though there are sometimes ignorant cowboys in that post who assume they know more than you and that you are therefore somehow a lower form of life.

That's probably the same the world over.
Sometimes the person behind the counter puts there personal feelings or favoritism first. Or they are just not a friendly or knowledge person. Its the same here in the U.S.A.Why do people at auto and lawn mower parts stores always act like they dont want to talk to you?
because they work on commision. you are not buying anything that would give them a good stack of cash so they see it as annoying and could care less.
In your case they probably don't.

Troll alert.

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