Thursday, January 19, 2012

How would I start an Auto Parts Store?

I am about to get a small business loan and open a garage and was wondering how would I go about opening the store section of my business? I want to sell products for HKS and companys like that. How would I go about doing this?How would I start an Auto Parts Store?
Has to be a small town with no other auto parts store to complete with. If the closest auto parts store is 100 miles away then it worth a shot. If it only 20 miles away then don't start.

It hard to complete with other auto parts these day because of giants corporation such as advance auto parts, autozone sears and even walmarts. The huge corporation buy it very low price where nobody even small business don't have access to that products.

Unless if you can get those parts lower than what big corporation paid for that parts (even lower than products that made in china). Unless you can find a parts that are from stolen.

Instead of just auto parts store, just do repair or body works as part of store as part of service.How would I start an Auto Parts Store?
I am Mrs Colleens from New York,God has bless me with three kids and a loving husband , i promise to share this Testimony because of God favor in my life 2weeks ago i was in desperate need of money so i thought of having a loan then i ran into wrong hands who claimed to be a loan lender not knowing he was a scam.he collected 2,000USD from me and refuse to email me,since then i was confuse,but God came to my rescue,one faithful day i went to church after the service i share idea with a friend and she introduce me to DAVIDSON WHYTE OF DAVIDSON LOAN FIRM,she said she was given 53,000USD by MR DAVIDSON,so i collected his email Address ,he told me the roles and regulation and i followed,then after processing of the Documents he gave me my loan of 200, can contact him on via email davidsonloanfirm88@yahoo.comHow would I start an Auto Parts Store?
Hello, my Name is Mrs Maureen I want you all to thank Mr Tan kim for me, he help me with a loan of $45,000, which I used to buy a House yesterday afternoon,u can rich him via email

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