Monday, January 23, 2012

Was I wrong to ask to speak with a Man at the auto parts store?

The woman behind the counter kinda took offense to it, but I don't care, I wanted someone that knew what they were talking about.Was I wrong to ask to speak with a Man at the auto parts store?
You're begging to be beaten, aren't you? ; )

No worries, though. I wouldn't ask a man what foundation would work best with my skin, or what color looks best on me. See what I'm getting at?
Yes it was rude.... If you were at a national chain auto parts store ( ie Pepboys/ Autozone) I can assure that even the males have NO clue about cars. They just punch your car info into a computer and then get your part off the shelf.

If you wanted real advice try going to a locally owned shop... There you will find skilled help...Sadly most will be male though.Was I wrong to ask to speak with a Man at the auto parts store?
well. yes. the proper thing would have been to approach the person who was immediately available (key word here being PERSON). but i think showing concern and asking if your actions were appropriate is a step in the right direction. ask the woman for help next time, and if she's not helpful, ask if she can find somebody who can help you.
i think that is a little sexist yes

i could see how she is offended.

just because she is a woman dont assume she knows nothing about cars

hello, didnt u see "my cousin vinny"? marisa tomei was a car geniusWas I wrong to ask to speak with a Man at the auto parts store?
Yes, I would say so.
You are NOT allowed to talk!

Go back to the box now!
You shouldn't have asked for a man, but rather someone that knew what they were talking about.

I've been to many places that are usually "gender-specific" and regardless of anything, if they don't know what they're doing, they don't know what they're doing... however it WAS insulting to ask for a MAN rather than maybe for her MANAGER.
If you started out speaking with the woman, or over heard her telling someone else the wrong info, then it is absolutely ok to talk to someone else there. Just don't assume because the person is male that they know a damn thing about cars.

I used to work at an auto store %26amp; I knew more than some of the men.
You are really looking to get your @ss kicked tonight aren't you??? Where's that whip? It's around here somewhere... Oh wait, I think cowgirl took that with her when she left, what kinda bad thing should Dizzy Lizzy have? Gimme some ideas here...

Hey, I had a customer service job once, this old lady called in, I answered the phone and right off SHE asked for a man! Now that's wrong, if a woman can't even trust that another woman can help her, she's got issues!
Did it occur to you that a woman might know what she was talking about or that not all men understand cars?

It would be best to assume that anyone employed by the store has some knowledge about what they sell. I'm not surprised she was offended by your attitude.
I know a woman that rebuilt her cars engine and does tune UPS and the guys ask her questions about their engines. I know some guys that can't change a tire!
Did you jump to the conclusion that just because she is a woman she can't know anything about auto parts. Some women know more about auto parts than some men. There are even women race cars drivers.

Besides I know more about cars than my husband. LOL And I have owned some fast cars.

You should ask why the auto parts stores, auto shows and motorcycle dealers all use sexy, busty women to sell their products. The answer is to pull in sexist guys like you.
If she couldn't help you, then you weren't wrong to ask for SOMEONE else, but you were wrong to assume it had something to do with her gender, and that another male employee would know better what you needed than another female. Where have you been for the past few decades?
i think you can speak to whom ever you want as long as you weren't rude.
I don't blame you for 1 second!!! I would want to talk to a man too...but they never want to dumb it down to a level I can understand........thank god for boyfriends and dads that will help a girl out.
i can check your oil

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