Saturday, January 14, 2012

What auto parts store is best for buying a fuel pump?

I have Auto Zone, NAPA and Shucks Oriely's nearby. Which has the best fuel pumps? I think I would lean toward NAPA, but lets see what the pros think. Its for a 1990 Honda civic and the pump is in the tank. Thanks!What auto parts store is best for buying a fuel pump?
Hello, I already make some research. You can read this blog. Many tips u can get.
you know how to use a computer so look on ebay or rockauto and compare.What auto parts store is best for buying a fuel pump?
NAPA good quality parts and warranty, also purchase a new fuel filter and replace at same time or will void warranty. Other than that Dealer parts. Other stores sell crappy stuff. If doing yourself be careful gas and vapor can explode,
stick with napa i myself would not buy a dealer part for 20 year old honda and i dont even think that you could get it from the dealer anymore anyway but when i myself do fuel pumps on injected cars i also replace the pressure regulator and filter good luckWhat auto parts store is best for buying a fuel pump?
almost all of them are kinda crap.. if you want a fuel pump to last another 21 yrs get one from a dealer made by honda for honda.. I have bought pumps from auto zone it worked fine BUT if you get a bunk pump do you really wanna have to replace it again? you can test them by taking two wires off your battery and hooking them up to see if it works dont run it for long just a few seconds but it could save you some trouble
The best? Your local Honda dealership.
compare the price at the local Honda dealer if it isn't much higher I would choose that option. If it is check online for complaints about the brands. Have you taken it out of the tank and tested it? Is the tank beginning to rust causing a bad connection? If the car is nice an the tank is rusting you may want to replace it as well.
Don't buy from the dealer... it's going to be crazy expensive. I've always loved Shucks. They'll match the price of anybody in town.

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