Monday, January 23, 2012

Auto parts store experts please!!?

I've always been really into cars and I want to try and get a job at an auto parts store like Autozone or somewhere like that.. Although, I don't want to look stupid if someone comes in asking me to do something that I don't know how to do. I know a good bit of things about cars just not a whole lot. I've seen girls working at auto parts stores before, and I've never seen them have to do a lot of things. Does anyone know what exactly they look for when they hire people??Auto parts store experts please!!?
There going to look for you expertise in car parts sales and mechanical ability. There going to want someone who has some kind of knowledge about cars. You can always brush up on how to do certain things along with getting more knowledge on diagnosing problems. Your there to help them find the right part along with helping them diagnose the problem because a lot of people don't have the money to pay for a mechanic to diagnose a car.Auto parts store experts please!!?
Your knowledge of cars will help alot.

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