Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why do auto parts stores sell "Bleeding kits" for bleeding a clutch system..when can just gravity bleed it?

what they are really for and how useful really?

what about just undoing the screw that holds the clutch fluid and letting it drain out by pumping the clutch pettle YOUR SELF? why need another person? as have heard you can just undo the screw of bleeder valve and place a pan underneath and just get in the vehicle yourself and press the clutch peddle a few times and just go and watch the master cylander to make sure still have at least some fluid left before getting under the vehicle again and closing the valve.

is this also a sure way to get th air bubble out?Why do auto parts stores sell "Bleeding kits" for bleeding a clutch system..when can just gravity bleed it?
The reason is ... MOST new clutches need to be BLEED not drained. They are a pressure system working off of the same system as the brakes, They use a hydraulic cyl to push the clutch arm (actuation arm). This requires a bleed point downstream or after the clutch slave cylinder.

I don't know where you got this info but it sounds like a VERY poor way to save a few bucks when your life or others safety could be at risk by a short cut. Now I do not know the vehicles make model and year. This would help a lot. Usually someone listing that info would be a bit more adept in car knowledge , but thats what mechanics are here for right?

Without any knowledge of the car your working on, can't help you. But i sure need a clutch bleeding kit for almost all modern cars (5 years)
You'd better hire someone to properly bleed the clutch in your car cause you don't have the hang of ir just yet! If you do it your way air will be sucked back into the system every time the clutch petal is released. It's better to pressure bleed the system from the bottom up.

I'd hate to be responsible if you decided to bleed your own brakes!Why do auto parts stores sell "Bleeding kits" for bleeding a clutch system..when can just gravity bleed it?
If you just loosen the bleed screw and pump the clutch in, it will suck air in as you release the pedal. That's why you need two people. A clutch bleed kit is a vacuum used to pull fluid from the master to the slave. Gravity might work, but takes time and may not push all air bubbles out.
Ditto what Pancake said! You can do this with one person and no kit but you need something to hold the clutch pedal in the floor while you get out and close the bleed valve to keep air from being sucked back in.Why do auto parts stores sell "Bleeding kits" for bleeding a clutch system..when can just gravity bleed it?
Why do they sell the kits? Because of misinformed people like you! They way you are doing does NOT work. Get somebody that knows what they are doing to help you or better yet take your car to a shop %26amp; have them do it.
if you crack the screw and try to gravity bleed it it will work ecxept for the little air pocket that gets trapped in the slave cylinder. If you crack the screw and press the peddle, what happens is if forces the fluid down to the cylinder, and out the opening along with the air, the problem is when you release the peddle, the air gets sucked right back in, so unless you have some one there to open and close the screw every time you pump the peddle, you will effectivly get nowhere. That is why thee are kits, so one person can do it them selves with out too much trouble.
when you press the clutch fluid will go out the bleeder. when you release the pedal air will be sucked back in

A bleeder kit? you mean a piece of clear hose and a paper cup? that's all you need. Fill the cup up with brake fluid, open the bleeder valve, push the hose over it, and submerge the other end in the brake fluid. pump the clutch until no more air bubbles can be seen in the hose while pumping tighten the valve, remove the hose, dump the remaining fluid from the cup, crush the cup and throw it away so no-one thinks it's sprite.

the 2 man method involves pumping up the clutch, hold it to the floor, have your partner open and close the bleeder valve (do not release the pedal while the valve is open), and repeat till no more air comes out.

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