Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why dont auto parts stores sell snacks and sodas???

i can get a quart of oil and an air freshener at the grocery...Why dont auto parts stores sell snacks and sodas???
i know rught cars and car parts do make me hungry :) haha no, not really..

i guess it's one of those unwritten rules.."eat before you go to car stores?" ? .. xoxox
The one's here do. Every store here has snacks and pop.Why dont auto parts stores sell snacks and sodas???
The Auto Zone in my neighborhood has a soda cooler and candy at the front desk!!
so that if you are waiting for your car and you get hungry or thirsty you have a place to buy something at.Why dont auto parts stores sell snacks and sodas???
the one in my town does..
My AUTO ZONE does.
The auto parts stores here in New Orleans sell snacks and sodas in a refridgerated case by the front door. I just assumed they all did.
my AUTO ZONE does!!!!
I case you get the munchies while waiting for your parts.

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