Monday, January 23, 2012

Men, what is so exciting about a hardware and/or auto parts store?

Some men act like they've died and gone to heaven when they step thru the doors. What's so thrilling in there?Men, what is so exciting about a hardware and/or auto parts store?
It's a GUY thing. LIke with women who go into clothing stores...but never buy anything.
I went in to Home Depot yesterday afternoon for 4 things...bought 2 more and walked down EVERY isle looking at and touching things. I was in there almost an hour. Bought $77 worth of 'stuff' and got a $7.70 discount (retired military). Plus, because I bought a big bottle of Roundup, I got an $8 bottle for free. Also, I got a bottle of Crabgrass Killer for 25垄 because the cap was broken (it was still sealed).
It's a GUY thing.
Well, I'm not a man, but was married to a builder/mechanic/racecar driver once. I would rather be in a hardware/auto parts store than in Macy's with a million bucks to spend. Tools, lumber, gadgets, shelves, all that stuff is fascinating. The smell of oil, seeing batteries, wrenches, tires, wheels etc., is just a good feeling for me. I know how strange this sounds, the men in white coats will be coming for me, but I was around all this for many years so these stores are just a pleasant place to be for me.Men, what is so exciting about a hardware and/or auto parts store?
Step into my man cave/shop (after I get it all sorted out) and you will have your answer. Wrenching and building is half the joy of life. What we build is an extension of ourselves and the stores you mentioned are where we find what we need to do that. Add the camaraderie of like minded people and only woman who understand, and it's like a little piece of heaven. You like to hot rod in a cool car. Imagine the joy if you had built that car into what it is. There's not much besides family that can make your heart race more than than coaxing that engine you just built, to life for the first time and taking that car you've been building for several years, out for that first ride. Tach that baby up, hear the roar of that engine, as the tires light up and your cruisin' in style, in a masterpiece you built with your own two hands. It's almost as good as sex.
Our local Ace Hardware store is kind of like a meeting place for those of us in the neighborhood who enjoy the fun of making our own repairs.As far as auto parts stores I do not like them.These stores sell parts and products that have the durability of a Yugo.
For real auto parts give me my favorite internet vendors.Men, what is so exciting about a hardware and/or auto parts store?
It's just like a women in a shoe store or a clothing store. Us women are supposed to be crazy for shoes and men for tools and cars.

But this is one chick who is backwards, sort of. I work at Home Depot in the Hardware Department (AKA power tools). I love my tools and my shoes. So I guess I'm some kind of freak? Hey, maybe that's why they call me the "crazy old lady in the tools". :-)
The only store I like is the pet store. They pay me to work there and I'm amid fine company. I hate shopping. Everything is so over priced ... I go without or I am distraught when I buy it. Did I mention how I hate shopping? My hatred for shopping sure fattens my bank account. Besides, those stores you mention just make work for me.
I agree completely with what Mtzfire said. To be in the presence of all these tools to make our lives better/'s a wonderful feeling!

In a way, it's like others here have said. It's sort of like women being in a clothing/shoe store (not stereotyping, just giving an analogy).
Like you said it is a man thing and when we go there we are looking for something, we just don't know what it is. Why do women drag men to watch them trying on clothes or shoes but gripe because we ask them to go to a parts store?
I asked my husband the same question. His answer was "I'm as thrilled to step through the door of a shoe store as you are when you step into a hardware/electronic/auto parts store. I get it.
My two favorite are Home Depot and Lowe's.I have not worked on a car in twenty years. I don't think i could find the dip stick on these new cars. I do injoy working with my hand's So in those two stores I'm happy
I'm every bit a woman but I love a hardware store myself. I could take one of everything in the store! Tools, yes, I'll have some. Paint, yes, I'll take some. Ah... heaven!
They get the same euphoria going into a hardware or auto parts store as we women get with going to the Mall or anywhere shopping. They just have different interests.
Out side of book stores hardware stores are my favorite places - there is a store called McGuckens in Boulder Colorado that's got some fabulous hardware - really stimulates your builder/fix-it imagination.
Guys like their PC's and cars like if they were their children, that's why we feel it's awesome to step inside a store filled with things to improve them and treat them well.

It's really that simple :)
Not only men. I far prefer The Home Depot to any shoe store. But I do prefer Hobby Lobby even more.

Hardware stores smell different. It's a guy thing. Something about leather and chains.
NAIL GUNS!!! That, and other power tools. Building things is fun, and they're the only stores mostly made for guys.
There is nothing better than shiny tools.
No women.
Cars are just badass. Hardware though I don't see the attraction.
it's like a woman who just walked in a shoe store right?
It's just a `Man Thing'.
Nuts! I swear!!!
Honestly I was never into those kind of things; I much prefer science. Try asking Tim Allen this; he'd know for sure!
I'd say Tool Time Tim says it best:鈥?/a>

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