Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is the auto parts store liable for my car?

I bought spark plugs for my car and now my car doesn't run and the garage says that the motor is blow-ed up. But the plugs that I got from the store were the wrong ones.Is the auto parts store liable for my car?
I'd guess there was something wrong when you decided to work on it in the first place. Where the heck do you get off trying to blame someone else? Did you compare the plugs before putting them in? It is remotely possible that the new plugs caused the problem. But don't you think the person installing the plugs has any responibility to match them up?
%26gt;%26gt; But the plugs that I got from the store were the wrong ones.

Sorry. No spark plug would cause that. If your engine failed (blew up), then it was because it was old / poorly maintained.


%26gt;%26gt; and the garage says that the motor is blow-ed up.

If your engine "blew up" you would know it. You don't need a mechanic to tell you this. I suspect your problem is NOT that bad. I would get a second opinion.

good luck...Is the auto parts store liable for my car?
i don't think it was the plugs. there is more to this story. don't think they are liable.
did you compare the new plugs to the old ones? Who put them in? that person is responsible for at least the plugs, but I agree even if the plugs sere too long it usually would not cause it to blowed upIs the auto parts store liable for my car?
well if you got the wrong spark plugs you could have cracked the pistons if they were to long but if that was the case you would have heard the from the start.
The plugs shouldn't have threaded if they were the wrong ones, sometimes even the right spark plug (but a poor brand) wont even thread. I would go do a different mechanic, if it ran before the "bad" spark plugs, it should run after you replace them with the right ones, but you may have other problems lesser the your engine being blown up.
i think whoever checked it lied to you

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